TalkerOS has been written
by William Price and is a heavily modified (or rather completely rewritten)
version of NUTS 3.3.3,
written by Neil Robertson.
It is a very good talker code and easy to modify ... and we did quite a
bit of modifying.
TalkerOS is pueblo enhanced, which means that it has multimedia capabilities.
The talker can display pictures, play music and sounds, and also offers
hypertext like navigation through the talker. To fully employ its features
you need the Pueblo talker client, available from
Chaco Communications, Inc.
One of the best features of TalkerOS is that it can be extended by
adding code in the form of plugins. With plugins one can add
new commands (nearly) without having to modify the main talker code.
I have written some plugins myself, adapting some existing code
and adding some of my own:
Xmail adds mail commands which can deal with numbers, e.g.
a user can delete a specific message or a range of messages. The code
is contained in the file xmail.tar.gz along
with the help files. The installation instructions are at the beginning
of the file xmail.c. |
Misc adds the commands .join (join a user), .show
(show what a user is supposed to type), .mtell (send the same tell
to more than one person), and .here (who is in your room).
as well as some commands which can be used for games: .coin
(throw a coin), .dice (throw a dice), and .spin (spin a bottle so that
it points to a user) The plugin code and the help pages are
contained in file
misc.tar.gz. |
Admin adds commands which help with the administration of
a talker: .usersfrom (shows which users connect from a certain site
- or group of sites), .fullsamesite (shows which users connect from
the same site as a given user), and .samesite(alternative version of
fullsamesite). The plugin code and the help pages are contained in file
admin.tar.gz. |
� 1997-98 Weaver |